How to Sync a PS5 Controller: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Sync a PS5 Controller

Imagine this: It’s a Friday night, and you’ve just bought the latest game for your brand new PS5. You can’t wait to dive into the immersive gameplay and experience all the cutting-edge features. But there’s one problem – you need to sync your PS5 controller with your console before you can start playing.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of syncing your PS5 controller, whether it’s with your console, other devices, or even your PC, Mac, Android, or iPhone. Say goodbye to any pesky sync issues or troubleshooting woes – we’ve got the solutions you need.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pairing your PS5 controller with your console is essential to begin using it
  • Connecting your PS5 controller to other devices expands its versatility
  • Charging your PS5 controller ensures uninterrupted gaming sessions
  • Adjusting controller settings can enhance your gaming experience
  • Updating the controller’s software keeps it optimized and up-to-date

How to Sync a PS5 Controller with PS5 Console

How to Sync a PS5 Controller: Step-by-Step Guide

To successfully use your PS5 controller, you need to pair it with your console. Follow the steps below to ensure a seamless connection:

  1. Make sure your PS5 console is switched on and ready to be paired.
  2. Connect your PS5 controller to the console using the provided USB cable.
  3. If the PS5 controller is turned off, press the PS button to power it on.
  4. Wait for the lights on the controller to indicate a successful pairing with the console.

Once the pairing is complete, you can enjoy your gaming experience with the PS5 controller. It’s essential to have a stable and reliable connection between the controller and the console for optimal gameplay.

PS5 Controller Pairing Process

Step 1Turn on the PS5 console.
Step 2Connect the PS5 controller to the console using the USB cable.
Step 3If the controller is off, press the PS button to turn it on.
Step 4Wait for the lights on the controller to indicate successful pairing.

Following these steps will ensure that your PS5 controller is properly synced with your console, allowing you to dive into your favorite games without any interruptions.

How to Sync a PS5 Controller with Other Devices

ps5 controller pairing

If you want to use your PS5 controller with devices other than your console, you can easily pair them together. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Turn off your PS5 controller.
  2. Go to the home screen of your PS5 console.
  3. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  4. In the settings menu, choose “Accessories”.
  5. Select “General” and then “Bluetooth Accessories”.
  6. Press and hold the create button and the PS button on the controller simultaneously.
  7. The controller will be listed on the screen.
  8. Select the controller from the list to complete the pairing process.

Once the pairing is complete, your PS5 controller will be ready to use with the other device. Enjoy gaming with your PS5 controller on a range of devices!

Note: Ensure that the device you are pairing the PS5 controller with supports Bluetooth connectivity.

Charging the Controller

ps5 controller not syncing

To ensure uninterrupted gameplay on your PS5, it’s essential to keep your controller charged. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to charge your PS5 controller and troubleshoot any syncing issues.

Charging the Controller

  1. Connect one end of the USB cable to your PS5 controller.
  2. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the USB port on your PS5 console.
  3. The controller will start charging automatically.

It’s important to note that you can charge your PS5 controller while the console is on or in rest mode. This allows you to continue gaming while the controller replenishes its battery.

Checking the Battery Level

To check the battery level of your PS5 controller, simply press the PS button on the controller. The battery icon will appear on the screen, indicating the current charge level. If the battery is fully charged, the icon will stop animating and display three bars.

If you’re experiencing any issues with your PS5 controller not syncing or charging properly, try the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that the USB cable is securely connected to both the controller and the console.
  • Try using a different USB port on the console.
  • Use a compatible USB cable to ensure proper charging.
  • If available, try using a different charger to eliminate any potential issues with the power source.

By following these steps, you can keep your PS5 controller charged and ready for your next gaming session, while also troubleshooting any syncing or charging issues that may arise.

Adjusting Controller Settings

ps5 controller troubleshooting

When using your PS5 controller, you may encounter certain issues or preferences that require adjusting the settings. Whether it’s troubleshooting problems or fine-tuning audio settings, the control center provides a convenient way to customize your gaming experience.

To access the control center, simply press the PS button on your PS5 controller. This will bring up a menu with various options to modify your controller settings.

Adjusting Sound Settings

One of the key features in the control center is the ability to adjust sound settings. By selecting the “Sound” option, you can modify several aspects of your audio experience.

Output Device: Choose the audio output device for your controller, such as headphones or speakers, to ensure optimal audio playback.

Volume Levels: Adjust the volume levels for game audio, voice chat, and system sounds to achieve the desired balance.

Voice Chat Balance: Fine-tune the balance between game audio and voice chat volume to ensure clear communication while gaming.

These settings allow you to personalize your audio experience and ensure that you can hear the details of the game while communicating with other players.

Muting and Unmuting the Mic

In certain situations, you may need to quickly mute or unmute your microphone during gameplay. The PS5 controller provides a dedicated mute button for this purpose.

Located on the back of the controller, the mute button can be easily pressed to toggle the microphone on or off. This feature comes in handy when you need to communicate privately or when background noise needs to be minimized.

By adjusting the controller settings and utilizing the mute button, you can tailor your gaming experience to your preferences and overcome any synchronization issues that may arise.

Controller SettingFunction
Output DeviceChoose the audio output device for your controller
Volume LevelsAdjust the volume levels for game audio, voice chat, and system sounds
Voice Chat BalanceFine-tune the balance between game audio and voice chat volume
Mute ButtonQuickly mute or unmute the microphone

Updating the Device Software

Keeping your PS5 controller’s software up to date is essential for ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. If you’re experiencing any issues with your controller, such as syncing problems or connectivity issues, updating the device software may help resolve these problems. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to update the software of your PS5 controller:

  1. Ensure that your PS5 console is turned on and your controller is paired with the console.
  2. Go to the Settings menu on your PS5 console.
  3. Select Accessories from the menu options.
  4. Choose DualSense Wireless Controller Device Software.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to check for updates and initiate the software update process.

Alternatively, you can also update the controller software using a PC. Here’s how:

  1. Connect your PS5 controller to your PC using a USB-C cable.
  2. Visit the official PlayStation website and search for the latest controller software update.
  3. Download the update file onto your PC.
  4. Open the PS5 controller updater software on your PC.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the software of your controller.

Updating the device software of your PS5 controller regularly ensures that you have access to the latest features and improvements. It can also help fix any compatibility issues or bugs that may be present. By following these steps, you can easily keep your PS5 controller up to date and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

Software Update Troubleshooting

If you encounter any difficulties during the software update process, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Ensure that your console and controller are in close proximity and have a stable connection.

2. Verify that your internet connection is stable and has sufficient bandwidth for the software update.

3. Restart your console and try the update process again.

4. If using a PC for the update, ensure that you have a reliable USB-C cable and a fully functional USB port.

5. If the issue persists, consider contacting PlayStation support for further assistance.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can overcome any potential obstacles and successfully update the software of your PS5 controller, resolving sync issues and optimizing its performance.

Common Software Update ProblemsPossible Solutions
The software update fails to initiate.Restart your console and try again. Ensure a stable internet connection.
The update process takes too long.Ensure a stable internet connection. If the issue persists, contact PlayStation support for assistance.
The controller becomes unresponsive during the update.Disconnect and reconnect the controller. Restart your console and try again.

Troubleshooting Controller Issues

If you are experiencing issues with your PS5 controller not syncing or charging, there are several troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check the USB cable connection: Ensure that the USB cable is securely connected to both the controller and the console. A loose connection can prevent proper syncing or charging.
  2. Try a different USB port: If the controller is not syncing or charging, try plugging the USB cable into a different USB port on the console. Sometimes, certain ports may have a better connection.
  3. Use a compatible USB cable: Make sure you are using the USB cable that came with your PS5 controller. Using a different cable may not provide the necessary power or data transfer for proper syncing or charging.
  4. Try a different charger: If the controller is not charging, try using a different charger if available. A faulty charger can sometimes cause issues with charging.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you can also try resetting the controller. To reset the PS5 controller, locate the small reset button on the back of the controller, near the L2 button. Use a small pin or paperclip to press and hold the reset button for a few seconds, then release it. After resetting the controller, try syncing or charging it again.

If you are still experiencing problems with your PS5 controller, you may need to visit the PlayStation Repairs diagnostic tool for further assistance. The diagnostic tool can help identify and resolve any underlying issues that may be causing the sync or charging problems.

Remember, proper controller syncing and charging are essential for an optimal gaming experience. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve any PS5 controller sync or charging issues and get back to enjoying your games.

Connecting Additional Controllers

If you’re looking to connect additional controllers to your PS5 console, you’re in luck! The PS5 supports up to four controllers at once, allowing you to enjoy multiplayer gaming with friends and family. Here’s how you can easily pair those extra controllers:

  1. Make sure the additional controllers are turned off.
  2. Using the already paired controller, go to Settings.
  3. Select Accessories.
  4. Choose General.
  5. Click on Bluetooth Accessories.
  6. Press and hold the PS button and the Create button on the additional controller simultaneously.
  7. Once the controller enters pairing mode, it will appear on the screen.
  8. Select the controller from the list to complete the pairing process.

With these simple steps, you’ll have your additional PS5 controllers connected and ready to join in on the gaming fun. Grab your friends, power on those controllers, and embark on thrilling multiplayer adventures!

Connecting PS5 Controller to PC

If you want to connect your PS5 controller to your PC, you have two options: a USB-C wired connection or a Bluetooth connection. Follow the steps below to connect your PS5 controller to your PC using either method.

USB-C Wired Connection

  1. Begin by plugging the PS5 controller into an available USB port on your PC.
  2. Ensure that your PC recognizes the controller and installs any necessary drivers.
  3. Once connected, you can start using your PS5 controller to play games on your PC.

Bluetooth Connection

  1. Open the Settings page on your PC and turn on Bluetooth.
  2. Press and hold the create button and the PS button on your PS5 controller simultaneously until the controller enters pairing mode.
  3. Select the PS5 controller from the list of available devices on your PC.

Once the PS5 controller is successfully connected to your PC, you can enjoy gaming with the familiar comfort and precision of your controller.

Connecting PS5 Controller to Mac

Connecting your PS5 controller to a Mac is a straightforward process. You can choose to connect it using either a USB cable or via Bluetooth.

Using a USB Cable

To connect your PS5 controller to a Mac using a USB cable, follow the steps below:

  1. Start by plugging the USB end of the cable into an available USB port on your Mac.
  2. Next, take the other end of the cable and connect it to the controller’s USB-C port.
  3. The Mac will automatically recognize the controller, and you’re ready to use it for gaming or other applications.

Using Bluetooth

If you prefer a wireless connection, you can connect your PS5 controller to a Mac via Bluetooth. Here’s how:

  1. Ensure that your Mac’s Bluetooth is enabled. You can do this by going to System Preferences and selecting the Bluetooth icon.
  2. On your PS5 controller, press and hold the create button and the PS button simultaneously to enter pairing mode. The controller’s light will start flashing to indicate it is ready to pair.
  3. Go back to the Bluetooth settings on your Mac and click on the “+” (plus) button to add a new device.
  4. Your PS5 controller will appear in the list of available devices. Click on it to initiate the pairing process.
  5. Once the connection is established, the controller will be successfully paired with your Mac. You can now use it wirelessly for gaming or other activities.

Connecting your PS5 controller to a Mac allows you to enjoy gaming or control various applications conveniently. Whether you prefer a wired connection for lower latency or the flexibility of using Bluetooth, following these steps will ensure a smooth and seamless connection.

Connecting PS5 Controller to Android

To connect your PS5 controller to an Android device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Press and hold the create button and the PS button on the controller simultaneously.
  2. Open the Bluetooth settings on your Android device.
  3. Enable Bluetooth on your Android device.
  4. Select the PS5 controller from the list of available devices.

Once the pairing is successful, your PS5 controller will be connected to your Android device, allowing you to enjoy gaming on the go.


It’s important to note that not all Android devices may be compatible with the PS5 controller. Make sure to check the compatibility of your specific Android device with the PS5 controller before attempting to pair them.

Samsung Galaxy S20Yes
Google Pixel 5Yes
OnePlus 9 ProYes
LG G8 ThinQNo

Connecting PS5 Controller to iPhone

If you’re looking to connect your PS5 controller to your iPhone, follow these steps for a seamless pairing experience:

1. Enter Pairing Mode: Press and hold the create button and the PS button on the controller simultaneously. This will activate the pairing mode and make the controller discoverable.

2. Enable Bluetooth: Open the Bluetooth settings on your iPhone and ensure that Bluetooth is turned on.

3. Select the Controller: In the list of available devices, locate and select the PS5 controller. Once selected, your iPhone will establish a connection with the controller.

By successfully connecting your PS5 controller to your iPhone, you can unlock a whole new level of gaming possibilities on your mobile device. Enjoy gaming on the go with the comfort and familiarity of your PS5 controller.

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Jadah is the founder and chief editor of For almost 25 years, he’s been building PCs for himself, clients, and his friends. He has seen everything from those Core 2 processors to the latest Ryzen 5000 models. He aims to help people make the right decisions for their PC component build and upgrades.
Photo of author
Jadah is the founder and chief editor of For almost 25 years, he’s been building PCs for himself, clients, and his friends. He has seen everything from those Core 2 processors to the latest Ryzen 5000 models. He aims to help people make the right decisions for their PC component build and upgrades.